Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Terror Tuesday : Creepshow 2 - The Raft

Growing up on a lake, where we spend almost everyday in the water, you can understand why this would have had a lasting effect on me.
The lake from the Raft is a real place.
Granite Basin Lake.
Iron Springs Rd. and N. Granite Basin Rd. Prescott, Az. 86305
Plot Summary:
Four college students, Deke (Paul Satterfield), Laverne (Jeremy Green), Randy (Daniel Beer), and Rachel (Page Hannah), go swimming in a desolate lake far from civilization. After they make their way to a wooden raft, they are terrorized by a floating black blob resembling an oil slick that grabs a hold of Rachel and consumes her. The students panic. Deke plans to swim to shore so he can bring back help. But before he can, the blob seeps through the raft's cracks and pulls Deke through the raft, killing him. Randy and Laverne evade the creature until it gives up trying to grab them from under the raft. Randy and Laverne are afraid to fall asleep in fear that the creature will attack. They manage to sleep and Randy is the first to wake up, relieved to find that he and Laverne made it through the night. He begins caressing Laverne's sleeping body and fondling her breasts. She awakes screaming in agony as the creature has seeped through the cracks and has a hold of her face, much to Randy's horror. As the oil-like blob pulls her off the raft and begins consuming her, Randy jumps off to swim to shore. He ultimately makes it, barely escaping the creature, and yells "I beat you!" However, the creature rises up from the water like a wave and engulfs Randy. It returns to the lake, with no evidence of the four students even visiting the lake other than their car. The camera reveals a "No Swimming" sign barely visible from behind some growth.

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